Henry Pankey Biography
Energetic, witty, dramatic,
entertaining, yet passionately serious about issues
impacting American society & our schools.
Nationally acclaimed education consultant Henry Pankey
is a highly respected school improvement expert, published
author, motivational speaker, turn around school specialist,
and success coach. The author of Standing In The Shadows Of
Greatness, is credited with revitalizing some of the
nation’s most difficult schools. The former New York City
principal is the recipient of over 200 awards for his work
as a principal, educator and turn around school specialist.
Pankey’s awards include Principal of the Year,
Administrator of the Year, induction into the National
Alliance of Black School Educators’ Hall Of Fame, Safe
School Awards, etc. During Henry Pankey's tenure as
principal of Southern High School in Durham, the school went
from low performing to exemplary status within one year.
Consequently, the school was the site for the Seventh Annual
State of American Education Address delivered by United
States Education Secretary Richard Riley.
Henry Pankey is best known as a tough love effective
urban principal, but he began his career as a comedian,
writer, impressionist and Shakespearean actor. After
graduating from high school Pankey won an
undergraduate scholarship to the North Carolina School of
The Arts, then, a graduate scholarship to the University Of
Maryland. Henry Pankey has attended 10 universities
and has a total of 12 licenses in the
education-administration field. Henry was one of the
chief architects of Dress for Success in New York City
schools as early as 1981. Dress for Success has been
duplicated across the country.
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