Photos of Taliyah's first road trip! This page contains photos of Taliyah's first trip to Norfolk to meet Grandparents and other family members for the first time. She also visits her great aunt and uncle in Hampton. God has blessed Grandmother Brown to see her children's children. Taliyah relaxes with a big yawn in the comfort of Grandmother Brown's arms. Photo on the right shows a special moment with Grandma, Daddy, and child. Taliyah looks at Granddaddy Honeyman for the first time. "Wow I like the color RED" . Tee Tee and Aunt Vickie share a special moment together in Hampton, Virginia; then Uncle Ricky, Aunt Vickie and Julie kiss Tee Tee before she leaves. Thank God for bringing us home safe and sound. I'm sooooo tired! Good Nite.... Hello everyone, please don't forget to sign my guest book.